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Fakta, teori & skepsisCharles Bonnet syndrome

Det er generelt altfor lite fakta og skepsis blant mennesker som studerer det åndelige. Her herjer diskusjonene rundt den viktige vitenskapelige biten.

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Startet: 03 Mai 2005 22:22
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Charles Bonnet syndrome

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Så for et par dager siden deler av en dokumentar på Discovery channel om Charles Bonnet Syndrome. Fikk bare med meg slutten på dokumentaren, men det var forbundet med at folk så ting som ikke var virkelige pga. dårlig syn kombinert med hjernens funksjon til å lage et skikkelig bilde av det som ble sett. De kunne se bilder av hva som helst, men det var i hovedsak to typer hallisunasjoner. Har aldri hørt om noe lignende før, så sytes det var interessant og søkte litt på nettet om Charles Bonnet Syndrome (noen ufullstendige sitater, hele kan leses på linken nederst):
What is Charles Bonnet Syndrome?
Charles Bonnet syndrome (or CBS for short) is a term used to describe the situation when people with sight problems start to see things which they know aren't real. Sometimes called visual hallucinations the things people see can take all kinds of forms from simple patterns of straight lines to detailed pictures of people or buildings. These can be enjoyable or sometimes upsetting.
Who is affected by Charles Bonnet Syndrome?
Charles Bonnet syndrome affects people with sight difficulties and usually only people who have lost their sight later in life. But it can affect people of any age, usually appearing after a period of worsening sight. The visual hallucinations often stop within a year to eighteen months.
What causes Charles Bonnet Syndrome?
At the moment little is known about how the brain stores the information it gets from the eyes and how we use this information to help us create the pictures we see. There is some research that shows that all this constant seeing actually stops the brain from creating its own pictures.

When people lose their sight their brains are not receiving as many pictures as they used to. Sometimes, new fantasy pictures or old pictures stored in our brains are released and experienced as though they were seen.

These experiences seem to happen when there is not much going on, for example when people are sitting alone, somewhere quiet, which is familiar to them, or when they are in lying in bed at night.
What kind of things do people see?
There seem to be two different kinds of things people see. Both of them can be black and white or in colour, involve movement or stay still, and they can seem real, such as cows in a field, or unreal, such as pictures of dragons.

Firstly, there are the hallucinations of patterns and lines, which can become quite complicated like brickwork, mosaic or tiles.

Secondly, there are more complicated pictures of people or places. Often whole scenes will appear such as landscapes or groups of people, which are sometimes life size and other times tiny people and tiny things. These pictures appear out of the blue and can carry on for a few minutes or sometimes several hours. Many people begin to recognise similar things appearing in their visions such as distorted faces or the same tiny people in particular costumes.

Generally the pictures are pleasant although the effects can be scary. ... p#P30_3437[/quote]
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