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Universet & dets hemmeligheterUtenomjordiske om Ayahuasca

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Moderatorer: Asbjørn, mod univers

David Skywalker
Standard bruker
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Innlegg: 713
Startet: 22 Des 2006 22:35
Kjønn (valgfri): vi'kke si så !
Lokalisering: Oslo
Blitt takket: 3 ganger

Utenomjordiske om Ayahuasca

Innlegg av David Skywalker »
er hjemmesiden til Barbara Marciniak. Jeg har endel tanker om Pleiade-vesener nå i de siste ukene om å søke etter info via bøker og nett og har funnet interessant informasjon via en trance medium kanal som hevder å kanalisere fra Pleiade-vesener og sa noe interessant om Ayahuasca som er resonans for min bevissthet og sjel: ... 971d99b85b

The P's were talking about the importance of creating smaller communities and focus on self-sustained living, where everyone is using his/her talents to contribute to the Whole. We need to slowly disconnect from the "Machine", reconnecting with Nature and spending more time in the "Living Library".
This goes Hand in Hand with the Message of the Hopi Indians and other Native Tribes. Interesting to note is, that the Native Americans believe their ancestors are from the stars and not from Earth.

"Where are you living?
What are you doing?
What are your relationships?
Are you in right relation?
Where is your water?
Know your garden.
It is time to speak your Truth.
Create your community.
Be good to each other.
And do not look outside yourself for the leader.
This could be a good time! "

Interestingly, the Pleiadians also mentioned certain plants that can help us to reconnect to nature and help us in our healing process. In particular Ayahuasca (the mother vine) and Psilocybin mushrooms were mentioned many times during the the session, as psychotropic plants hold the keys to the knowledge we've forgotten. And that is the only reason why they are illegal, not because they are physically dangerous. They are intended to be used in a shamanic and healing way. Respect the sacredness of these plants.

Det gir meg enormt mye resonans i det hun sier via sine kontakter fra åndeverdenen om at Ayahuasca har endel nøkler til glemt kunnskap om Naturen og det å være et spirituellt bevisst menneske.

Og mer info from disse Pleiade-vesenene via Marciniak om DMT om er i Ayahuasca og utviklingen av vårt pinealsystem osv mot 2012 og beyond:

193. Pleiadian Channelings Confirm Imminent Endogenous Psychedelic Secretion

In a discussion on the DMT Tribe , Bernhard points out that Barbara Marciniak's book, Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library, channelled from Pleiadians, suggests that our endocrine systems are just about to evolve, and that the pineal and hypothalamus, amongst other glands, will be affected. This will cause an internal secretion of a psychedelic substance into the bloodstream. Amazingly, this is one of the conclusions in the book, Beyond 2012, and it was reached by deduction, with no channelling. Marciniak/ the Pleiadians say:

"You will never be the same once your hypothalamus secretion starts. Have you ever ingested a psychedelic? How would you like to live, balancing that reality, twenty-four hours a day? It wouldn’t work; it would be entirely too confusing. It is fine for what is called a trip. It is fine for a journey into learning – into the shamanic, mysterious, Living Library realms. However it certainly is not something you want for breakfast every day. The rest of the nervous system is not in sync with that awareness. When you take what is called a trip, it is exactly that – like going to the country or to the shore for the weekend. You go, you experience it, and then you come back and contemplate it.
Your hypothalamus is going to move you to a new shoreline of your being, a new domain that will be chemically induced. This is what the endocrine system does. It introduces various chemicals into your body without you taking anything – without you ingesting any substance at all. The chemicals will simply begin to secrete themselves and influence the very way that you perceive and interpret reality.
Your restored hypothalamus will take you on a journey, and you will change everything so that you will be happy to dwell there. You will not want to dwell in the old place. It will be as if you move to a new planet without leaving earth. It will be a splitting of your world. Earth and Earths reality in the Living Library will change before your eyes because the chemicals that will be secreted from the hypothalamus will give you a new interpretation if reality.
This you are not prepared for yet, not anywhere near it. First you must convince yourself that you are loved and that you are the source of love. You must maintain a consistent feeling of this before you can begin the subtle changes in your endocrine system that will prepare you for the awakening of your hypothalamus. We suggest that this will happen in increments between 1999 and 2009, a ten-year period."

Og Lemuria-tiden som blant annet var med å påvirke oppganen for Inkaene i Peru,Andes-fjellene - så hadde de endel kontakt med Pleiade-vesener blant annet ifølge disse kildene.
Jeg er åpen for at dette er rett - jeg søker videre etter Pleiade-informasjon og ser frem til å samarbeide med dem personlig etterhvert. Noen utenomjordiske grupper følger nok spent med på det som skjer med menneskeenheten frem mot 2012 og etter...

Og et av mine sterke møter med ei kanaliserer var for ca over 10 år siden - og hun kanaliserte informasjon via en pleiade-gruppe. Og første øyekontakt var spesiell og dyp. Som om vi var på samme bølgelengde. Og jeg kom borti mye pleiade-informasjon via bøker og nå har jeg fått tilbake den type gnist i de siste ukene - å søke etter info om pleiade-vesener kanaliserer via diverse kanalisere o.l. Og ønsker å ha en slik kontakt personlig i fremtiden. Det er noe med Pleiadene som virkelig tilfaller meg og når jeg leste om at inkaene hadde kontakt med pleiade-vesener i Lemuria-tiden spesielt - fortiden og det har jo med Peru å gjøre og jeg har så stor forkjærlighet for Peru så er det spesielt å finne slike tråder falle på plass. Spennende å gå mer i dybden av. Andre som har dragning mot visse utenomjordiske grupper ?
Antall ord: 1046
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